Don Champedro

My name is Pedro Galileo Romo and I decided to learn about champagne after popping a bottle (Vintage Veuve if you must know) welcoming baby Gio into the world.   Fast forward to 2023 after 150+ bottles - because someone had to take one for the team - and we have the data to share so you don't have to go through the science.  

Why Champedro?  Because it is funny to us.  Champedro is something we dreamed up last summer while drinking champagne by the fire.    The name was actually my brother Abe's idea, and he gets the credit.  Thanks brother.

Now what?  I want you to have fun enjoying the video reviews on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Relax and meet great people, learn something new about champagne, and best of all - celebrate living. 

-Don Champedro